
Our Team have proven and recognised expertise in their specialist fields, including historic building conservation, archaeology and historic parklands, new design in historic places, interpretation, public engagement and consultation.  

Read more about our services

Heritage Statements & Planning Consents
Statements of significance and impact assessments to inform and support planning, listed building consent and grant applications.

Historic Area Assessments & Management Plans
Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans for new or revised designations, Historic Area Assessments for places and spaces.

Historic High Streets
Specialist support for the regeneration of historic towns, including new uses in redundant buildings and inspiring local communities.

Funding for Heritage Projects
Advice on suitable funding opportunities, expressions of interest, Stage 1 and 2 applications for all types of heritage asset.

Evaluation of Projects
Setting baselines and developing qualitative and quantitative tools for measuring ‘change’, interim and final evaluation reports.

Community Engagement

Inventive and interesting ways to involve people in their local heritage, putting them at the heart of projects.